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Reformer Comgas

Some of our projects:

Integrated Unit for Hydrogen Production from Natural Gas

Customer: Comgas

This project aims to build and demonstrate an integrated unit for the production of high purity hydrogen from natural gas, to meet customers with on-site generation demand.

Stationary Power Generator using Fuel Cells Fueled with Hydrogen obtained from ethanol reformation

Customer: AES

Hytron is developing a stationary power generation prototype which employs non-catalytic (partial oxidation) reformation of ethanol to produce a hydrogen-rich gas. This stream, with adequate post-treatment, is used to fuel a High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell system with an installed capacity of 20 kWe. The stationary generator prototype can operate connected to the low voltage electrical grid, with automatic synchronization for power exportation. The main objective of the project is to develop and demonstrate a non-catalytic reactor for the future processing of several potential alternative fuels for the production of hydrogen, focusing on a multi-purpose technology. It is an innovative system concept, with potential for inputs such as glycerol, vegetable oil, oily residues, biogas, among others.

Fuel Cells Fueled with Hydrogen obtained from Natural Gas Reforming

Customer: BG Brazil / Shell

This project aimed to develop and operate a small natural gas reformer (steam reforming technology, able to produce 2 kg/h of hydrogen) capable of fueling a HT-PEMFC with an installed capacity of 20 KWe. The project also evaluated the technical, economic and environmental performance of the integrated system, including aspects such as energy efficiency, emissions, hydrogen cost, electricity cost and complete LFA (Life Cycle Assessment) analysis.

Fuel Cell

Photovoltaic Power Plant Connected to CPFL's Grid – Diversification of the Brazilian Energy Matrix

Customer: CPFL 

In this project, Hytron was responsible for coordinating the implementation of the Tanquinho Solar Power Plant. Hytron also prepared the technical and economic studies of photovoltaic power generation and elaborated the basic and executive projects of the plant.

This plant, connected at 13.8 kV, has 1.1 MWp (using two different technologies of photovoltaic panels: polycrystalline and thin film). The project also supported a regulatory view for the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). Currently, this is the largest photovoltaic power plant in the state of São Paulo.

Solar Plant

Solar Floating Power Plant

Customer: Eletrosul 

This project aims to evaluate hybrid generation (between hydropower and floating PV), taking advantage of the available water reservoirs as well as the existing substations and transmission lines.

Range Extender for Battery Packs with the use of Fuel Cell Systems

Customer: Eletrosul

This project aims for the development of an integrated energy storage system based on the use of hydrogen and fuel cells, which can replace or extend the autonomy of battery packs in power stations. To accomplish this, Hytron has developed a small pressurized alkaline electrolyzer (1 Nm3 / h H2), with its own technology, suitable for servicing a PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) fuel cell system and for energy storage without the use of mechanical compressors. This system is under evaluation at Hytron's facilities for performance, reliability, safety and costs and will be transferred to a power station for demonstration purposes.


Use of Surplus Hydropower for Energy Storage through the Production of Hydrogen

Customer:  Companhia Energética Barra Grande S.A. (BAESA) and Campos Novos Energia S.A (ENERCAN)

This project had as objective to study the technical, economic and environmental aspects of the use of the energy surplus of the Barra Grande and Campos Novos Hydroelectric Power Plants in the electrolytic production of hydrogen, its storage and reconversion in electric energy. The project included the integration of a water electrolysis plant to a stationary power generator, which allowed the evaluation of commercial, and conventional, technology for applications involving hydrogen. The results showed that the energy storage system using hydrogen is technically feasible and, more importantly, what type of adjustments are necessary to Otto generators, in order of proper operation when fueled by hydrogen.

Study and Optimization of the Supply Chain of Industrial Gases for a Food Company in Brazil

Customer: Confidential

This consulting project brought a total saving of around 50% in the company's annual expenditure on industrial gases. This result was achieved with the inclusion of the technical evaluation of the supply models in the company, aiming for efficiency and cost savings. Fourteen different producttion sites were evaluated throughout Brazil.


Avenida John Dalton, 220/222 Techno Park - Campinas/SP CEP 13069-330

©2024 por Hytron Energia e Gases Industriais.

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